The very first time. in the 1st verses of Bereshit Genesis, God produces light and “there was night and morning” (Genesis 1:5) The rabbis reasoned that when the Torah, this product of divine revelation, stated that the very first time started with night, that has to have already been God’s intention, for “days” to begin with at sunset. Then when the sky is streaked utilizing the fading Friday sunshine, in Jewish domiciles all over the world, candles are illuminated, blessings are stated and Shabbat is welcomed. Plus in synagogues, the Friday Ma’ariv service starts with a number of hymns, Psalms, and blessings collectively referred to as Kabbalat Shabbat/ Welcoming the Sabbath.
A Kaddish said after learning in a group, in honor of our teachers in orthodox congregations, Kabbalat Shabbat consists of Psalms 95 through 99, Psalm 29, the hymn Lecha Dodi, Come my beloved, Psalms 92 and 93, a lengthy reading from the Talmud passages governing the Sabbath, placed here to separate Kabbalat Shabbat from Ma’ariv, and both the Mourner’s Kaddish and Kaddish de-Rabanan. Continue reading “My Jewish training is just a not-for-profit and depends on your assistance”